Montessori Institute of Teacher Education at Endeavor (MITEE) offers certification in two different levels of teacher training, Infant & Toddler (0-3 years) and Early Childhood (3-6 years).

Enrollment is now open for our next cohort of students! The MITEE Montessori Teacher Credential Programs offer a comprehensive course of study consisting of both an academic phase and a 9-month internship (or Practicum) in a Montessori classroom.

Courses include content on Montessori philosophy, child development, the use of Montessori didactic materials and Montessori curricula, observation techniques, effective record keeping, classroom management, healthy parent communication, and effective administration.

For additional flexibility we offer adult learners a program of blended online learning combined with a short summer residency.

MITEE Instructors are dynamic and highly respected professionals, each with decades of experience as Montessori educators and teacher trainers.

Infant & Toddler Credential

The Infant & Toddler Credential program offers the adult learner the opportunity to continue to work full-time while taking 5 months of online coursework beginning in January. This will be followed by a two-and-a-half-week summer session of in-residence learning in beautiful Atlanta, Georgia. Following the completion of this academic phase, the adult learner will begin their 9-month student teaching Practicum at their Montessori school. This program lasts 17 months from start to successful completion of their Montessori teaching credential.

Early Childhood Credential

The Early Childhood Credential program offers the adult learner the opportunity to continue to work full-time while taking 5 months of online coursework beginning in January. This will be followed by a two-and-a-half-week summer session of in-residence learning in beautiful Atlanta, Georgia. Following the completion of this academic phase, the adult learner will begin their 9-month student teaching Practicum at their Montessori school. This program lasts 17 months from start to successful completion of their Montessori teaching credential.

Faculy and staff

Program Overview

The Infant & Toddler and Early Childhood Credential programs consist of two parts: the Academic Phase and the Practicum Phase (also called Student Teaching)

Program Schedules

Scheduling explanationDescription
Academic PhaseThe Academic phase consists of 5 months of online learning courses followed by a 2 ½ week summer residency.

Online Learning:
The program starts the third week of January.

Once a week class meeting during this time AND approximately 10 hours of classwork weekly.

Residency: Residency dates may fluctuate but will generally start the Monday after July 4th.

The academics portion is a rigorous, classroom intensive program. This period of study occurs both online and in person and includes lectures, demonstrations, discussions, workshops and practice/lab sessions. Adult learners will develop detailed manuals of theory and lesson plans in each curriculum area and practice individual lesson presentations. This is a demanding and highly rewarding segment of the MITEE program.

Classes held in residency begin at 8am and end at 5pm with a one-hour lunch break.

Practicum YearMinimum 3 hours/day, 5 mornings/week for the duration of the 9-month academic year (September-May following residency).

(On-site evaluation visits by Field Consultants will be required for candidates engaged in a Supervised Practicum: 3 for Early Childhood and 4 for Infant & Toddler. 4-5 on-site evaluation visits may be required for those involved in a self-directed Practicum.) Candidates will also have to attend a meeting once a month.

Celebration of Knowledge: If all work and practicum requirements have been met, graduation follows the end of the Practicum Phase.

The student teaching Practicum provides students a real-world classroom experience under the direct supervision of a qualified Montessori educator at a qualified and accredited Montessori school.

Alongside this Practicum, adult learners connect throughout the year to refresh and gain new skills and to come together to discuss the practical applications of what they have learned in their classroom setting.

Our Instructors

All courses are led by highly experienced and qualified American Montessori Society (AMS) and Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) credentialed Montessorians. Our instructor team is headed by Jana Morgan Herman, the Director of the Montessori Institute of Teacher Education at Endeavor (MITEE) and Director of Montessori Education at Endeavor Schools. With over 30 years of Montessori education experience and having earned specializations from 0-6, Positive Discipline, Learning Differences, ABAR, and trauma-informed teaching, Jana has created a powerful training program grounded in strong Montessori philosophy and plenty of hands-on practice with the Montessori didactic materials. Combining the very best Montessori practices with current research, this unique Montessori training experience will prepare adult learners to become inspiring Montessori advocates and leaders in their communities.

Practicum/Student Teaching

In addition to the academic program, all adult learners are required to complete a minimum of 540 hours of classroom work under the supervision of a certified Montessori teacher in an approved school. It is the adult learner’s responsibility to find a Practicum site approved by MITEE and affiliated with AMS unless a request showing sufficient cause for an exception is made to and granted by AMS. The student teaching Practicum provides students a real-world classroom experience under the direct supervision of a qualified Montessori educator at a qualified and accredited Montessori school.

The Practicum may not precede the academic phase of the program and is based on a minimum of three hours daily, five days a week for a full academic year. It is preferred and highly recommended that the adult learner works FULL-TIME in the classroom, as an Assistant Teacher, to receive the most benefit from the Practicum. Waivers for a Self-Directed internship must be approved by the MITEE Director.

Adult learners will be supported through monthly meetings and observed 3-4 times through their Practicum year by a MITEE Field Consultant or a consultant approved by MITEE. Adult learners serving a self-directed Practicum (role of Lead Teacher in the classroom) will be given additional support and observed five times during the academic year. Adult learners will be evaluated on their ability to integrate Montessori theory and methodology, child development principles, observation, instructional and classroom management techniques, and preparation of environment. If an adult learner receives an unsatisfactory evaluation, one or more additional observations will be scheduled by the field supervisor to review progress. Every effort will be made by MITEE to provide the additional support that may be needed.

Alongside this Practicum, adult learners gather several times during the year to refresh and gain new skills and to come together to discuss the practical applications of what they have learned in their classroom setting.

Graduation Requirements

The requirements for graduation include attendance for all scheduled hours (both required classes and practice teaching sessions); satisfactory completion of all required curriculum albums, oral, practical, and written examinations; satisfactory completion of the Practicum; and fulfillment of all assignments and financial obligations to the MITEE.